Discover our 2017 Year in Review with the The 10 Best Animated Short Films, featuring In a Heartbeat, Machin Machine, Once a Hero, Dark Dark Woods and more… (via
A closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams
Young princess Maria has had about enough of her royal life – it’s all lesson, responsibilities and duties on top of each other, every hour of every day. Overwhelmed, Maria is swept away on an adventure into the monster-filled dark, dark woods.
The psychedelic, violent and liberating experience of young man who takes a drug at a party.
In a world where flames represent love, it’s easy to get your heart burned
Li XIa, a Chinese animator presents his new animated short movie, Once a hero, made during his last graduation year.
Harth Stonebrew’s tavern is a special place. If you strolled among the packed tables and raucous laughter on a busy night, you’d overhear stories of exhausting travel and perilous adventure—and of lucky voyagers somehow finding the tavern just when they needed it the most.
Watch the animated shot Machin Machine, created by French Illustrator & Animator Tristan Gion.
A ruthless barbarian, a hair-splitting master archer and a knight in shining armor are brought together in the battlefield by a common enemy- a formidable fly. What ensues in this battle of epic proportions tests everyone’s skills and takes an age-old war that every human has wanted to win, to a whole new level.
Life can be a little bit different and complicated when you’re a narcoleptic boy like Rémi. Watch Sleepy Remi
Hornet and Uri Lotan were tapped by RPA to participate in their film series for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. Cancer is scary and overwhelming in itself, but to be diagnosed as a child can be even more terrifying, as well as incredibly confusing